Food from Her Frontier...

Hey!  Welcome to Bake at 350 goes SAVORY if this is your first time here (and even if it's not)!  Yes, we take a break from eating cookies now and again.

Today, I MUST tell you about the Pioneer Woman's new book:

Let's start with this.  I want to make every.single.recipe in it.  Every one.

Let me show you...
Yes, please.

Not only is the book filled with incredible recipes and beautiful photography, it's also filled with Ree's humor and more glimpses into life on the ranch.
Cowboys, horses, and lots of beautiful Oklahoma Sky.  (This OU grad loves that part.)

Right after I received the book, I found kiddo curled up on the couch reading it.  "Picking out some recipes to try?" I asked.  "No," he said, "just reading the stories."  I love that.  It's not just a's a treasure.

{Side note, do you ever look at the inside of book jackets?  I love the hard cover of this book.  Sometimes I think I'll take all book jackets off of my books.  Is that weird?}

Here's what we made tonight:
Oh yeah, babe.  Beef & Bean Burritos.  They were a HUGE hit with my cowboys...and this cowgirl...and they were easy to make, too!  {PS...that's my picture...Ree's is much prettier. :)}

You know what?  I think you need a copy.  Yes, YOU!
{ of you.}

To Enter: Leave a comment on this post telling me where you normally purchase your cookbooks...Amazon, Barnes & Noble, local bookshop, Target...?

Enter through midnight March 31st.  US residents only, please.
Good luck & happy trails! ;)

***giveaway closed. congrats, kristine!***

{If you want to subscribe to the Bake at 350 Goes SAVORY, just click the little "subscribe" link on the top right-hand side. These posts don't show up in the regular Bake at 350 feed so as not to interrupt the sugar.}


  1. Always amazon!!! I find I get the best deals... I love that you are giving away one of her books! She has some awesome recipes!

  2. I like to buy my books at Barnes & Noble or an actual store... I love to hold them in my hands! :)

  3. Hi !!

    I Love Cajun Food & dessert cook books, so normally I pick mine up at local gift shops, festivals & of course my mom's pantry. She has some really gooood recipes :)

  4. I prefer Amazon, but if I just can't wait I go to Books-A-Million (which is only a 1/2 mile from my house).

  5. I buy practically everything on Amazon!

  6. I usually snap up anything that interests me in a local shop, but if I'm looking for something specific, it's got to be Amazon! I stick to 'real' books as opposed to ebooks when it comes to cook books. There's something not quite as authentic as a ebook cook book!

  7. Usually Amazon. I sneak them in when no one looks! Free shipping!!

  8. Amazon. Love getting any kind of books from there.

    -Laura Glover

  9. I usually purchase them on amazon , but have been known to pick them up at Target if I can't wait!

    Liz @ Fresh Plate

  10. I usually go to Amazon after I hear about a book I like on tv. But mostly on my facebook now. I have so many of you great guys on my favorites. When a cookbook is suggested, I want it. lol.

  11. I always take the jackets off of my books!! :)

    I typically buy my books from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.


  12. Usually Barnes and noble. Even though I wish I bought more from the local bookstores. Maybe I should try it.

  13. I buy all of my books through Amazon. It's convenient!

  14. William Sonoma or Barnes And noble

  15. Wow those pictures are making my mouth water!! Typically I buy my cook books from Barnes and Noble while I'm perusing the store. Since having kids...less perusing and more puree'ing ;) Wish I had more time to poke around the cookbook isle again though!

  16. I usually don't buy them- I get cookbooks as gifts! But sometimes I buy from Amazon.

  17. Typically Amazon but if I see something I really want in a store I will pick it up

  18. Typically Amazon but if I see something I really want in a store I will pick it up

  19. I find that Amazon always has the best deals! I'm a very loyal shopper.

  20. I usually purchase church cookbooks or when I'm on vacation sometimes I buy them at a local store. :-)

  21. I usually buy my cookbooks from Barnes & Noble. I like to be able to flip through them before committing to buy it. I've been disappointed too many times in the past with cookbooks that I bought blindly.

    Just this past weekend I was looking at the Pioneer Woman cookbooks. They look so wonderful! I hope I win!

  22. Usually on Amazon but I also try to support local shops when I can.

  23. Amazon, or Books-A-Million are my two favorites :)

  24. Amazon. They always seem to have the best deals!

  25. Usually Barnes and Noble but since I moved to Germany I buy everything on Amazon!

  26. AMAZON PRIME! And sometimes at restaurants where I've gotta-have-it-right-now.

  27. I don't usually buy cookbooks. I use my grandmother's recipes. I find that they are the best!

  28. I buy my books from Chapters Indigo/kobobooks

  29. Oh, I would LOVE to win this!!!!! Ree cracks me up! (and since I live rurally I use Amazon Prime!)

  30. Usually Amazon, but occasionally I'll pick one up at a yard sale or a thrift store. :)

  31. If I can't wait for it then I go to Wal-mart or Target, if i am pre-ordering it then Amazon.

  32. I regularly purchase all my books from Amazon since there's such a huge selection and I have prime shipping

  33. I don't usually buy cookbooks for myself - always get them as gifts from the hubs and he's an Amazon shopper. Please pick me!

  34. funny enough..i get mine from costco..they usually have some great deals.

  35. Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

  36. I buy most of my books at a local establishment call the Green Valley Book Fair--cookbooks included. Would love to win. Please enter me in the drawing.

  37. Amazon usually, love Pioneer Woman's recipes!

  38. Usually Amazon, or my local Joseph Beth bookstore.

  39. I love community cookbooks so I like to pick them up at church fairs and school bazaars. B&N if I'm looking for a big name.

  40. I have bought cookbooks through Amazon or LTD Commodities.

  41. If I'm in a store, it would be from Barnes and Noble. If I'm shopping online it is Amazon. I still like browsing real bookstores where you can pick up and feel the books :)

  42. Either amazon or this little place called lavertys! They have a ton of old cookbooks I love.

  43. Barnes and Noble--any excuse to go browse the bookstore! (and I like jackets OFF myself)

  44. Amazon always has a great price, and usually get free shipping too!

  45. I always seem to find myself digging through cookbooks at thrift shops. People get rid of such great ones!

  46. Nothing like a cup of coffee and Barnes and Noble!

  47. I get most of my cookbooks from Amazon or in gift form.

  48. I love buying my cookbooks at estate sales! That's where you find all the quirky gems!

  49. for more inexpensive, but just as delicious cookbooks! Or Barnes and Noble to flip through the pages.

  50. Barnes & Noble or Amazon. Thank you for the opportunity!

  51. I always buy my cookbooks through Amazon.

  52. My grocery store has a wonderful book and magazine section that features a lot of fantastic cookbooks that I can't resist!

  53. Actually all of mine have been given to me before I got married. It's time I bought one for myself. And when I do, I would love to support local bookstores since they are virtually going out of business.

  54. Amazon shopper all of the way!

  55. I'm actually not a big bookbook purchaser...I have a few but usually like to get my recipe online and create my own little "favorites" binder! BUT I love how Ree does her recipes..the photos are awesome and really help!

  56. Amazon or B&N whoever is cheaper. If I need it NOW, then Costco.

  57. My mom's bookshelf! She has spent years combing through cookbooks to find the best ones, so I'm one step ahead!

  58. Bought my last 3 at used book store. Fun to come across OLD ideas and rework them for today's environment.

  59. I think your picture is very pretty - those burritos look delicious! And I love that Ree's book is so much more than just a cookbook, too :) I actually am not sure that I've ever bought a cookbook for myself; I think that all of my cookbooks have been gifts from friends and family. But I do really love browsing through the cookbook section at stores, usually Barnes & Noble or TJ Maxx. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  60. I buy on Amazon or, but I always love a going to a good bookstore!

  61. I will order definite titles i.e., "Secrets of Baking" from Amazon. I love cruising used book sales for the bulk of all books.

  62. I get mine at Books a Million

  63. Cookbook of the Month Club, Amazon, B&N, Half-price books, Weight Watchers,, garage sales. I have a cookbook addiction and there is no cure!

  64. Barnes and Noble! I like to look through before I buy

  65. I love poking through used bookstores to find cookbooks, unless I'm looking for something specific and I can't find it. Then my second stop would be Amazon. My town just got this used bookstore called 2nd and Charles and so far I've loved it! I got my boyfriend a slowcooker recipe book for christmas and he's used it a lot! I got my copies of Ree's first cookbook and her biography from my friend who works at Harper Collins, which is the company that publishes them. She saw that I was tweeting about the Pioneer Woman and sent me copies for my birthday! So sweet :) My aunt and mom both love Ree just as much as I do, and we've become huge fans of her tv show as well!!

  66. I just bought a cookbook on Amazon for a friend's bridal shower. That's where I'd get one for myself, too :)

  67. FTW! And Amazon if it's not listed there.

  68. Though I buy from amazon most because I don't have an actual bookstore nearby, I much prefer the feel and smell (is that weird??) of real books.

  69. Amazon mostly, but also Barnes and Noble.

  70. I have a serious amazon addiction...I blame the prime account :)

  71. I usually buy my cookbooks at Barnes and Noble! I LOVE to look at them in "person" before buying. :)

  72. I would probably purchase it @ Books-A-Million:)

  73. Amazon or our local book seller.

  74. I get them anywhere I can but normally I get mine from Barnes and Noble

  75. Barnes & Noble - for cookbook gifts.
    I have SO SO Many OLD cookbooks form the 40's, 50's, 60's on up that I just can't bring myself to buy any new ones. BUT!!!!! I WANT new ones! I was selling off some of the old ones but they were "family" cookbooks IE: my aunt, my sister, my mom, my MIL and GMIL all passed away and I got their cookbooks. I feel disloyal selling them and/or wanting new ones!
    GEESH! I sound like a whiner! I have too much love...please feel sorry for me like I do!!?? I'll stop now!~

  76. I don't usually buy cookbooks (in fact, I can't recall the last time I did!). I inherited all of the classics (Betty Crocker, some Better Homes, Joy of Cooking, Mastering the Art of French Cooking), so I use them as a references for a lot of things. But honestly I love the online community for new recipes. Allrecipes, blogs, pinterest (I have found some amazing recipes and blogs through pinterest!). I print out the recipe, put my notes on it, and it goes into a plastic sleeve in a heavy-duty binder. That's what I cook out of the most!

  77. I purchase through amazon usually! Sometimes I luck up and find some at Ross :)

  78. Mostly Amazon...but for Ree's first cookbook , my husband took me to Barnes and Noble and we stood in line for over 4 Hours to get a signed copy of The Pioneer Woman's first cookbook! Totally worth it...the first time!

  79. Amazon and (gasp) Goodwill. I love PW! Ps that's how I found your blog. One Atlanta girl to another, I love your blog too!

  80. First time to your blog. Will definitely be back! I get my cookbooks at Amazon or the local bookstore if I have a good coupon!

  81. I get most of mine at Amazon, but I like to dig through used bookstores for treasures like Joy of Cooking, and Julia Child wonders.

  82. I usually get mine at Amazon

  83. I usually get mine at Amazon

  84. I usually purchase them at Amazon since they have the best deals. This would be a great addition to my cookbook collection!

  85. I get my cookbooks from a variety of places, basically where it's either cheapest or available. I guess that usually means Amazon or Target though.

  86. I usually get mine through Amazon. Love them!

  87. I get them anywhere I can! I have purchased them from QVC, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, Target, Amazon, and I also went to their specific website as well. I am a huge collector of cook books!

  88. I go through Barnes & Noble. I love just spending hours there pouring over books.

  89. Either amazon or Walmart if I can't wait for it to be shipped!

  90. I usually purchase cookbooks at Barnes and Noble or Williams Sonoma.

  91. I love, love, love Amazon and purchase all of my books through them!

  92. test...not entering

  93. I try to get them as gifts! :) but otherwise I do a LOT of amazon shopping, you just can't beat it!

  94. I ususally go with Amazon unless it catches my eye in a "real" store and I decide I can't wait for shipping.

  95. i love to buy my cookbooks at Williams Sonoma! i could stand in their store for hours looking at the different cookbooks!

  96. If I really want the book, I go to Amazon...usually I try my local library first.

  97. My local bookshop has a bargain basement with used books...great cheap cookbook finds! Or if I want something new, Amazon is my go-to :)

  98. I get a lot of mine at Barnes & Noble, Target or thrift stores!

  99. Amazon and used bookstores. You never know what treasures are hiding in those packed bookshelves.

  100. Usually Amazon, or the local library if I just want to check it out first.

  101. My most recent cookbooks have come from Cracker Barrel.

  102. I've already got one these delightful cookbooks, (so don't enter me in the contest) I just wanted to pop over to say *hi*!

    And I LOVE that your little fellow was curled up reading it! xoxo

  103. Mostly I get my books from Barnes and Noble. ALso love my Mom's old cookbooks.

  104. I use Amazon for all by books :)

  105. I usually get mine from amazon or sometimes costco

  106. When not receiving cookbooks as gifts I shop on Amazon. Sometimes I do a test run using the library.

  107. I usually get mine from amazon or sometimes costco

  108. I usually buy my books on Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  109. is my best, easiest source!

  110. Amazon all the way! Thank you for the amazing giveaway. I need this in my life!

  111. Amazon is my go to place for book buying.

  112. OMG I am so addicted to The Pioneer Woman - her show, her autobiography, I would love to add her cookbook to my collection. I typically buy from Amazon but sometimes the aisles of Target call my name.

  113. Amazon, then I'll have money left for ingredients :))

  114. Amazon, then I'll have money left for ingredients :))

  115. I usually buy any books from Amazon.

  116. All of the above for me! I like using Amazon because you can search and get just what you want but I do like flipping through the cookbooks too. Target is probably the next favorite (only cause I am there a lot) but Barnes and Noble has a bigger selection.

  117. I get my books from Barnes & Noble mostly.

  118. A little mix of everything, but Amazon is very convenient.

  119. Amazon has been my place of choice lately!!

  120. Sometimes I find fun new cookbooks when browsing in the bookstore. If I know exactly what I want, then Amazon!

  121. Most of my cookbooks are gifts, but there's a local used bookstore with a great selection. I always check there first.

  122. Usually at amazon, but sometimes I just can't then it's Target or Sam's Club

  123. I am an Amazonian...e-books, paper books, and everything else with the exception of milk and bread!

  124. I have been trying Barnes and Noble to get one specific cookbook, but they NEVER have it, so it looks like Amazon wins again.

  125. I go to amazon for pretty much amazon prime!

  126. I usually buy my books whenever or wherever I can find them the cheapest. Usually Target.

  127. I usually buy books from Amazon, Target, or TJ Maxx.

  128. I usually buy my cookbooks through Amazon. Those burritos look yummy!!

  129. I ususally buy my cookbooks from Barnes and Noble or Williams Sonoma.

  130. Amazon is my book-purchasing choice, mainly for the good deals, and quick & free shipping! BUT, there's a local used book shop called Get Lost! that I can't help but look for something when I pass by.

  131. I like BooksAMillion for cookbooks. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  132. Target - I like to page through the book before I buy it to see if it "speaks" to me!

  133. I actually don't buy many cookbooks because money is tight, but if I ever see a good deal on one anywhere Ill snatch it up. I think I definitely need to buy PWs new one though. (If I don't win it :))

  134. I actually don't buy many cookbooks because money is tight, but if I ever see a good deal on one anywhere Ill snatch it up. I think I definitely need to buy PWs new one though. (If I don't win it :))

  135. I usually buy my cookbooks from Amazon. I love Ree - fingers crossed!

  136. I usually buy cookbooks on Amazon.

  137. I usually buy my cookbooks on Amazon, but have also been known to scour garage sales too. Just last week I got three great cookbooks for $1.00. I WOULD LOVE TO WIN THIS BOOK!!THANK YOU!!

  138. My most common one is Amazon, but sometimes I find things at Sam's Club and score it on the cheap! ;)

  139. I usually buy cookbooks at garage sales, you can find some really cool old books. Or I wait for one of my older relatives to pass me down a couple. If it's a new one that I must have, it's Barnes & Noble for me.

  140. Barnes and Noble, usually. But I check to see if Amazon has a way better deal!

  141. I usually buy my cookbooks at Barnes & Noble. I have gotten some really good finds at school book fairs, too!

  142. I honestly check mine out at the library! I do get some things from amazon though if I'm totally in love and have to have my own copy.....just a matter of finding room in the cabinets for any additions.

  143. I really dont buy cook books because im more of a baker! the husband cooks! =]
    If i do, i just go online or to a blog i love reading! Hope I get it! i can give it to the hubby!

  144. I usually buy my cookbooks through Amazon, but once in a while I find an interesting one at Sam's Club. I am a cookbook addict! I love Ree's first one, and would LOVE to get the second one!

  145. I buy my books anywhere I find a good deal. I dont buy many books that dont have a picture of the final product, so I usually buy books in person at used book stores, Target or Books a Million (bc that is what is close). I have the first Pioneer Woman book & I love & use it regularly! Cant wait to get my hands on the new one!!

  146. I'm a target cookbook shopper myself. They always have a good selection & its never very pricey & it is also super convienent to snatch up a new cookbook while I am doing my regular shopping!

  147. I'm a target cookbook shopper myself. They always have a good selection & its never very pricey & it is also super convienent to snatch up a new cookbook while I am doing my regular shopping!

  148. I'm a target cookbook shopper myself. They always have a good selection & its never very pricey & it is also super convienent to snatch up a new cookbook while I am doing my regular shopping!

  149. I'm a target cookbook shopper myself. They always have a good selection & its never very pricey & it is also super convienent to snatch up a new cookbook while I am doing my regular shopping!

  150. I buy my books at different places, depending on the book. I used to shop at Borders, because it was the closest bookstore to my house. Other times, I'll get books at Meijer, occasionally at Amazon or as gifts.

  151. I seem to always get my cookbooks as gifts, but if I'm buying, I go to Amazon.

  152. Definitely Amazon for me! I've been shopping from them since the 90's!

  153. Barnes and Noble... but if they don't have it, then Amazon trumps!

  154. Amazon for new ones. The library book sale is a good place for used books of all kinds

  155. I usually buy from Amazon or

  156. Generally Amazon. I often get cookbooks as gifts as well, because I LOVE cookbooks. I just know Ree's cookbook will be amazing.
    (and yes, I totally love looking under a book cover and discovering the beautiful hard cover. Also happy to discover your log!)

  157. Barnes and Noble. I love to look through the books before I buy!

    Kaitlin H.

  158. I usually buy mine at bookstores like Barnes and Noble because I like to browse first, but I'm slowly becoming converted to Amazon!

  159. I am a visual shopper-I usually go to a local bookstore to buy cookbooks. I also love to hit estate sales and collect old Junior League cookbooks from all over the south!

  160. I buy them everywhere I go. You can find the best ones in the most peculiar places!

  161. I usually purchase my cookbooks from Amazon. I received Ree's first cookbook as a gift and would love to have the second to keep it company. Do you think they will reproduce like rabbits? Mini Ree cookbooks all over my kitchen - SIGH...

  162. If I know I want it...Amazon. If I just want a new one but not sure what, the local bookstore. That way I can browse through it and see if it looks yummy!

  163. I'm an Amazon shopper! And I love your Savory stuff too! You didn't just have me at cookies! A girls gotta cook dinner too!

  164. I like bookstores so normally I purchase cookbooks at Barnes and Nobles. I also try to get cookbooks as a gift. I think it is a win win situation for all since they know I'll make them something from the cookbook.

  165. I receive my cookbooks at holidays. I need to start my own collection. Ree's book would be the perfect place to start! Pick me!

  166. I would prefer to always go to an actual bookstore to buy my books, but I usually buy them at Amazon. Especially since I use my Kindle a lot (I read a lot at night and my Kindle holder has a light on it... so it's perfect).

  167. Book store....thrift shop....yard sales.....where ever I am and a book looks good!

  168. I buy my cookbooks where I buy everything else- TARGET! LOL is that so wrong?

  169. I buy mine at Costco if they happen to carry what I am looking for, otherwise I look at Target or on Amazon.


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